Orange Perform
Orange 8 - 12 years old
This work load of two weekly lessons would enable an older child to be well versed in advanced technical details and be able to play on the orange court with orange low compression ball. It will also position them to take tennis more seriously in their teens, be competitive in intermediate high school tournaments and play at a high club level once they develop physically.
Our juniors can either progress to Orange level after having done several terms in Red stage or they can go straight into Orange level particularly if they wouldn't feel socially comfortable amongst younger participants. In this case groups are set up according to the level and you need to allow some time (1 - 2 terms) to become familiar with fundamentals which are otherwise attained in the Red stage.
Due to complex nature of tennis and variety of skills that need to be trained, the Orange stage of jounior development is divided into 2 levels.
Orange 1 competencies
- Utilised movement around the court
- Coordinated rotation
Effective use of non dominant arm
- Use of spin
- Higher contact on serve
Orange 2 competencies
- Specific footwork patterns
- Refined stroke shapes with use of spin
- Usage of depth of the court
- Use of different grips
- Tacticall awareness