Monday Night Social Competition
Monday Night Social Competition
8 to 10pm
8 to 10pm
8 to 10pm
8 to 10pm |
8 to 10pm |
The competition goes for 10 weeks and is for everyone from low intermediate to advanced. 7 weeks of round robin, 2 semi finals week, 1 final week. We provide the courts and the balls and one coach organises and supervises the competition. The competition is organised in a Round Robin format consisting of timed singles matches and one full set of doubles with tie break.
You can register as a team of 2 or as an individual player and we will find you a partner. Every night is composed of approximately 4 singles and 1 double match.
Competition Duration : 8 PM - 10 PM
COST: $260/ non-members
$240/ members
$28/ Reserve session