Community Tennis Guidelines
We all know tennis is a unique sport with many benefits – the main one being health and wellbeing. The very nature of our game ensures there is a vital role our sport can continue to play for the benefit of the community as we endure the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 Community Tennis Guidelines for Continued Play is an attempt to provide advice for all involved at the community level on the safest way to continue playing.
As long as we all abide by strict health and hygiene guidelines – coaches, volunteers, administrators, associations and tennis centres can continue to provide an outlet for physical and mental health through the sport of tennis.
Additional measures will be required but there is still plenty of opportunity for tennis to be played as long as hygiene guidelines are followed to help support the community’s ability to stem the spread of COVID-19, whilst helping the health and wellbeing of many of us.
Due to the fast evolving nature of this pandemic, conditions beyond our sport and in this environment can change and we will continue to keep everyone updated.
These guidelines provide support for everyone involved at the grassroots level on the safest way to continue playing.
We can all take a few steps to minimise the effects of COVID-19 while still enjoying our time on the court.
Before you play Stay at home if you:
• Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days
• Have been overseas or exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days
• Have flu-like symptoms
• Or are in a high risk health category, for example elderly or have a pre-existing medical condition.
For all Customers
1. All customers will be expected to wash their hands upon entering the court areas
2. Social etiquette will be expected when coughing and sneezing (see below for the process children will be asked to follow)
3. There is a strict 2-person limit on the court at any time
4. Groups of more than 2 people will be asked to leave
5. Singles only, no doubles play
6. Private one on one lessons ONLY
7. No FOOD to be brought into the court area
For Children and Parents
On court during lessons we are continuing to practice all of the current health orders as advised by NSW Health. We will be advising the children during each lesson:
1. When they are entering the tennis courts from outside at any point, they are to wash their hands with soap and water for 20secs
2. If they need to cough, to remove themselves away from others and to cough into their elbow, they are to then wash their hands immediately and wipe the elbow that they coughed into with a wipe.
3. As above for sneezing
For Parents picking up or dropping off children
1. Enter the court as close to the time of the lesson as possible
2. You are required to maintain social distancing regulations upon entering the tennis court area with other patrons as well as couches
3. You will be required to leave the court area once the coach has acknowledged they are ready for your child on court
Extra Precautions we are taking at Tennis
We are continuing to sanitise and wipe down all equipment being used before and after use with disinfectant wipes;
We are continuing to sanitise and wipe down all surfaces, door handles, fittings, and high use areas;
Children are washing their hands before and after each lesson;
Coaches are managing avoiding close hands-on interactions with children and parents;
Coaches are reminding children of social distancing and hygiene during lessons